Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1/15/13 Update

We noted yesterday that the secant pile drilling has been progressing as the contractor had planned.  Today, the first 2 of 32 piles were completed.  Once all the piles are installed, the soil on the interior will be excavated, then the rock will be removed and finally the concrete lining of the structure will be placed.  We will continue to keep everyone updated on the progress of the shaft itself and the other near surface structures. 

I want to take this opportunity to give everyone a little information on what all is going on with the project.

The tunnel itself is  24’ diameter 17, 750’ in length and has a volume of 60,100,000 gallons.  So far, about 3,600 lf of tunnel has been completed

There are a total of 5 shafts associated with the tunnel ranging in diameters of 24’ to 60’ and 185-225’ deep.

There will be approximately 30 near surface structures, 10 of which are complete and 9 currently being worked on.  Associated with many of these structures were utility relocations (water, electrical, cable, phone, etc.) that required coordination with each provider, the City of Cleveland and multiple other parties.

2,440 lf of open cut pipe placed (where a trench is excavated in the road and pipe is placed in the trench and backfilled).

2,110 lf of microtunnel complete (remote controlled mini tunnel boring machine used when open cut is not feasible due to depth, utilities soil conditions), 240 yet to be completed.

As can been seen from above, our contractors have been hard at work and have accomplished much on the list of activities needed to complete the job to “Keep our Great Lake Great”